Come in and meet the team!

Meet Susan and David Van Houten, Owners


We found our love of bird watching and bird feeding when we bought a new house and the previous owners left a bird feeder. After watching birds continue to come to the empty feeder, we decided to fill it and we were hooked. Although we never thought that one event would lead to a lifelong passion and even a business, it has been a great adventure. The best part about operating a Wild Birds Unlimited store is the wonderful customers and knowing that you are making a difference in the community and nature. 

I run the store full-time and David is employed full-time in IT. 


Meet Duchess

Duchess is a dapple dachshund dog.  My sister found Duchess in Kansas where she lives and sent me a picture.  It was love at first site!  We just had to figure out how to get her to GA which we solved by meeting halfway between for a family wedding.   Duchess is the smartest, sweetest, lovable dog...I am definitely not biased!  If you visit the store, most times, you will see Duchess.  She is our #1 greeter.


Meet Emily


Hi! I am so excited to be working at Wild Birds Unlimited of Athens! 

I have had a love of birds my whole life. Growing up, my dad and I would collect feathers we found in the yard. He always kept bird books for me to read and to learn about the different types of birds we had around our house that were visiting our feeders.

That love of birds as well as other wildlife has carried over to adulthood. My husband and I spend a majority of our time outside watching the birds and enjoying all things nature. We also have four Nigerian Dwarf goats that we bottle raised who love to watch the birds with us!

I love helping people expand and broaden their love of birds and nature. I look forward to helping you enjoy birds and nature as much as I do!


Meet Martin

I have been a birdwatcher and bird photographer since I was 12 years old. In recent years, I decided to get serious about birding and nature photography by joining clubs like the Georgia Nature Photography Association (GNPA) and the Athens Photography Guild (APG), the Oconee County Arts Foundation and the Audubon Society, as well as joining the team of Wild Birds Unlimited of Athens. I am a graphic artist by trade, and some of my photos have been on the national stage with being in Birds and Blooms magazine’s annual photo contest. My work made the top 16 finalists out of over 2000 entries, placed in the top four in the bird category, and was published in the magazine. I look forward to sharing my joy and passion of photography, birding, and nature through lessons, workshops, and field trips in the local area as well as with Wild Birds Unlimited.


Meet Angela-Store Manager!

A bird sitting on a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because her trust is not on the branch but on its wings. ALWAYS BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.
I have always loved birds, thanks to my grandmother who was always pointing out (what used to be) a rare cardinal sighting. I have been fortunate to travel and have seen amazing birds on tours in Peru and Australia.
My favorite bird is the Rose-breasted Grosbeak. I am so happy to be a part of WBU team and to continue to learn from my awesome teammates.


Meet Darlene-Assistant Store Manager!

I am a Mom, hobby baker and lifelong nature and animal lover. My love of birds and nature began with camping and Girl Scouts. I enjoy hiking and bird watching with my husband and daughter. We also have two lazy cats that also enjoy watching the birds and squirrels.
I am truly excited to be a part of the WBU Athens team. I am looking forward to learning much more about birds too!


Meet Sabrina!

I’ve been a nature and animal lover all my life. I’ve been developing a backyard habitat for birds for about 25 years over numerous house moves. In addition to birding, I also have a butterfly garden designed to attract and support all life stages of butterflies. Dogs and dog sports are a huge part of my life, and my husband and I share our home with 3 dogs. You’ll often find me at dog shows or at dog sports events with the Oconee River Kennel Club. I’m very excited to be a part of the WBU family! I look forward to hearing about your birding experiences and helping you expand your enjoyment of birds in your own backyard.


Meet Tayler!

If I am not helping out at the store, I am usually in the woods with my dog at my side looking for creepy-crawlies (especially snakes!) and native plants to photograph. I have loved and taken comfort in nature since I was little, and I am lucky to have the privilege of sharing that passion with everyone who comes to visit WBU.